

Please keep on visiting this site for announcements of our teaching activities at Goethe University in Frankfurt.

Announcement for Spring 2023: Online Course

"Introduction to Data Analysis and Simulation with MATLAB"

In the summer semester of 2023 Thomas Sokolowski will again offer the course " Introduction to Data Analysis and Simulation with MATLAB" at Goethe Uni. The course mainly targets life science and physics students up to the Master level and will provide an introduction to scientific programming and computing, with a particular emphasis on simple data analysis and simulation applications in biology, and based on the powerful but intuitive MATLAB programming language.

The course constitutes an introduction to scientific programming in the MATLAB  programming language. Initially the participants will learn the generic and language-specific basics of programming and handling of various data structures. The course continues with basic data manipulation and visualization techniques. A specialized part of the course is dedicated to computational generation of random numbers and distributions (sampling), statistical analysis, and data fitting. Finally, the course teaches basic methods of numerical integration of differential equations and stochastic simulation, based on paradigmatic biophysical systems. The course will endow the participants with a compact basis of computational techniques relevant to both theoretical and experimental life sciences, which can be reused and expanded in future research projects. Prior knowledge of programming is not required for participation.

Registration for the course can be done via the OLAT Platform of Goethe University until May 1st.

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